Let's sharing everything to Him

by Juni 28, 2017 0 komentar
Have you ever think that we like to make a joke with God, We share everything to Allah, The love of memories and hopes about him that is always in our heart, We talk about someone who leaves us with not clear reason, talk about love, worry about miss, tell more about broken hearts, Sigh in sad, talk about parents,  why are there days of empty space that need to be filled. Allah listens to our vent, Allah  is happy to hear our vent, Allah loves to joke with every one of us, Moreover if we talk that so detail with Allah. Allah miss our sigh to him detaily.

We who love to talk to Allah, moreover too much vent but she talked very lightly, it means  very fast. Not finished the vent she immediately left him. Yeahh, immediately closed the greeting. Then just stormed out. We want Allah  to answer everything to us. But the movement of our tongue is not seriously want to be answered by Allah. The vent is short. Keep on talking like a super-fast radio announcer. The point is not clear Just keep it casual.

We love to talk to Allah. But vent form is not sure, and Groping. We love to ask for a livelihood. But what kind of fortune we don’t mention. We love to talk to Allah asking to be mated. But do not mention what kind of mate is required. We love to talk to God asking to be a good person but there is no mention of such a good person. We love to talk to God asking to be successful people but no such success is mentioned.

Though Allah likes and very happy when we talk ditaily. Mentioned its characteristics, mention the spesific time or  when it hope will be achieve, What kind of level is it. Keep asking serious or not. And then asking with a happy heart or just ordinary. Well, if you want totell everything to Allah, confide the ditail. If you need to vent detail in detail. The sharing must make us happy. One more thing that must confide in love with Allah, Let Allah continue to love us.



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