1. Introduction
Since long time ago until nowdays English is a tool to communicate
with people or as a bridge into the international world and it has been well
eccepted everywhere. At the present and the future, many contend that English
language is an international language (Graddol, 1997). As the result, english
usually become second or third language beside mother tongue because people are
familiar to listen and speak using the language. Even though, according to
Dardjowidjojo (2000) “English was the first language obliged to be taught at
junior and senior high school as determined by central government policy sinc
independay in 1945. It is prioritised over other foreign languages such as,
French, Chinese and others. Therefore, Many people learn English and improve it
time by time considerately.
Nevertheless, there are several problems in English Language
Teaching in Indonesia, those are curriculum changed and lack of students’ motivation.
Beside that, in learning English also have several challenges that students
faced to learn, those are quality of teachers, English language teacher, and
impact of internationalization and globalization. Meanwhile, if people mastered in English, they can have
higher salary in the future and have better opportunities (Julia, 2014, p. 23).
Hence, English is very benefit for successful because every people do needed
for English proficiency. Emphasizing English to implemanted from beginning
level is useful. In brief, teachers need to use the whole English when they are
teaching in order the students automatically improve their English because they
always hear it from the model of learning and can communicate fluently with
This paper attempt to discuss several problems, challanges and
prospect in English Language Teaching in Indonesia context.
2. Problem
2. 1. 1.The changes of Curriculum
In education, curriculum is one of
important part. Because of that, government with all stakeholder always review to improve it to be better in
the next day because education must follow the world which stabilized to
change. Consider as an agent to apply the content of curriculum, teachers must
be really professional and creative. As Priestley (2011) says that “teachers
have been acknowledged in policy as key agents of change.” English as a foreign
language will be better acquainted in teaching and learning process from the lower
level of primary school until all level of school such as from elementary
school. Although the curriculum of KTSP 2013 is still implemented and designed
to improve the quality and standar of English Language Teaching (ELT) exactly
in Indonesia, but there are several problems are existing. Nur (2004) points
out five common problems : first, big class sizes. Second, teachers with low
level of English proficiency. Third, the low salary of government English
teachers which encourage encourage or even force many to moonlight. Fourth, the
lack of sufficient preparation to teach the new curriculum. And fifth, to
accept or to adobt the new role of facilitator.
2. 1. 2. Lack of Motivation
Motivation is one
of factor that stimulate desire and energy to be continually interested and
committed to something such as a job, study, role or to make an effort to
attain a goal. In teaching learning process of English Foreign Language in
Indonesia, good teachers have a strategies to understand students’s individual
in their study. As Marcellino (2005) States that “teachers still cling to the
old paradigm, in which they play a significant role in class as a model”.
Students in Indonesia viewed that learning English is only important when they
need it, because of that their motivation to learn English is low (Bradford,
2007). For example, most of students want to study hard and force themselve to
learn English just when they would face examination. However, teachers are
obliged not only to be knowledgable of the teaching topics but also to be
skillful to create a learning strategy creatively to attrack student’s interest
for learning. Those show how motivation influences the spirit of students to
learn. According to Kamarul Shukri, et.al. (2009) says that “motivation and
learning strategies have a major role in language learning process in which can
influence the outcome of language learning.” In addition, Studies by Oxford and
Nyikos (1989) showed that the degree of motivation is the most powerful
influence on how and when students use language learning strategies. Students
who lost motivation will fail the target of EFL. That is way motivate and
understand student’s individual differences is really important to do to reach
the goal.
2.2. Chalanges
2. 2. 1. Quality of teachers
The achievement of
educational goal sometimes depend on the quality of teachers. Hattie (2003) stated that “teachers make the
second most significant constribution to students achievement.” It is because
teachers are held responsible for the success of teaching learning process.
Teaching as a profession is not easy as our imagine, they are demanded to be a
professionalism, innovative, and creative. According to Hamied (2009) a
profession must maintain a significant social function in communities and its
members must have expertise which is gained from accountable education or
teachers have own characteristics that distinguish with ordinary teachers.
Brown (2001) points to four categories: technical knowledge, pedagogical
skiils, interpersonal skills, and personal qualities. First, technological
means about system where the teachers must be able to transfer knowledge in
teaching-learning process and connect between language and culture because that
it is one of the purpose of education. Second, pedagogical skiils points to how
far teachers can treat the learnes in comfortable situation for studying by
making a good interaction both of them. Third, interpersonal skill shows
teacher personality such as patience, positive habit, refers to McGroarty
(1996) Positive attitudes of the English Language is also an important factor
for EFL teachers and critical thinkers, refers to Fogarty & McTighe (1993)
professional teachers must promot critical thinking. And the last is personal qualities where
teachers must have a good control and well organized the classroom. Well, it is
chalanges for teachers to improve their personality to be a professional.
Whitehurs (2002) states that “one of the aspects that influences the success of
teaching is believed to be the teacher’s general knowledge ability.”
2. 2. 2. English Language
Government has
been trying to develop all aspect of education including teachers. They have
been trained through various programs to achieve good quality teaching as well
as developing learning materials in the form of textbooks or online access. In
the other word, so much effort has been devoted to improve English language
teachers capacity and students knowledge. In the real classroom techers should
use the foreign language for habituate the learners skill of English especially
listening and speaking and invest confidence in themselves although they make
mistakes in every sentences because teachers can correct the wrongness. As Lai
(1994) mentions “In particular problems happening in the classroom such as
limited time to use the language and lack of students confidence to speak in
English. ( self esteem, language anxiety and lack of opportunities).
2. 2. 3. Impact of internationalization and globalization
English as the
most important global language has become a compulsory subject in developing
countries such as Indonesia (Yuyun, 2013, p.2). The impacts of
internationalization and globalization can be seen in several things. First,
many foreign schools and universities have been established and have opened
their branches in some provinces in Indonesia. It will give a great chance for
foreign investors to invest in Indonesia by offering various programs. Second,
It has given many opportunities for Indonesian students, teachers and lecturers
to study abroad because most of them obtain a full scholarship. Third, Ministry
of Education and Culture has greatly encouraged all schools to use digital
technology devices such as use computer, internet access, and e-learning.
According to Edwards and Tudball (cited in Arber, 2009) a school can be said to
have an internationalized curriculum if the curriculum entails such the
specific subjects like international studies or global educations and its
contents and ideas are broadened internationally. The contents of curriculum do
not only provide students with particular subjects but it also includes global
issues such as global warming, climate change, food, economic recession,
deforestation, poverty, unemployment, nuclear, HIV/AIDS, gender equality, human
trafficking, drug abuse, conflict, terrorism and so forth. That is way it is
challenges for teacher to protect the learners from bad impact of foreign
2. 3. Prospect
2. 3. 1. Tourist Guide Job
Communication tool
have been enhanced all over the world, as a result capable of using foreign
language as an important medium of international tourism communication is
offered to have a great job as a tourist guide. Because of that is a great job
for the future, English foreign language learning is useful in Indonesia to
implemented. Consider Indonesia as one of the emerging tourism countries has
set up tourism industry as one of the priorities for its national development
sector. Damayanti (2004) “The Indonesian tourism industry seemingly has not
achieved its high momentum, albeit being one of the promising tourism destinations
in the world. It is a fact that by the end of 2004, the foreign tourists
visiting Indonesia only reached 5.4 million of 6.8 million targeted.”
1. 3. 2. Teachers training
Teachers training
is beneficial for the development of good teaching habit and establishing
confidence in new methods. At the same time the strategies is used in the
school setting and effect the quality of teaching learning process. If the BSNP
standards for teachers are used as a basis for an analysis of the content and methodologies used in teacher
training courses in existing public, private and distance education training
facilities, signifi cant weaknesses will be identified. Preferred content and
methodologies based on these standards and international best practice can be explored.
Elements such as the quantity and quality of practicum experiences, expanded
links to model schools, and regular return of university faculty members to
classroom teaching can then be explored.
1. 4. Conclusion
Even though curriculum always review and change to be efective, but
English language teaching in Indonesia still have several problems. For
example, the lack of motivation of students is hampered in developing their
ability because motivation seems like spirit that push themselves for learning
frequently, the real impact of lack of motivation is most of them are passive
in teaching learning and there is no good interaction between teacher and
student. Not only that, curriculum which always change becomes a problem,
especially for implementation of 2013 curriculum because the students have
inadequate time for learning English in the classroom and teachers do not have
opportunity to create their own syllabus based one national curriculum.
Moreover, teachers
are held responsible for the success of teaching learning process. That is way
quality of teachers is very needed in teaching learning process. The quality of
teacher can produce quality students, teacher as a model imitated by students
and it is affected for students success. Besides, English language teacher is
very determine in improving students in English language. In teaching-learning
process teacher have to use English frequently, If the teachers rarely speaks
English in the classroom the students not familiar to listen the foreign language
even to use English correctly. Learning foreign language also learn about
foreign culture, teacher obligated to make them understand about the
differences between own culture with foreign culture, students must to
protected from bad impact of globalization.
learning English is very benefited for people’s life exactly in successful
because English is a tool for doing everything. Many kind of requirements of
job is can use English. For example: tourist guide, banker, translator, and
ambassador. Commonly be able in using English language will direct toward
getting a great job easily. Therefore, the problems and challanges need to
evaluate and upgrade as the world growth
in order students to get better in English. So that their outcome is
good and have many occassion for looking job in their future life.
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