by Mei 28, 2017 0 komentar
Student perception toward implementation of English activities at Uin Ar-raniry dormitory
( A survey in IDB dormitory )
By: Defi Heldia Rahmi (140203019)
Students of English Department in UIN Ar-Raniry
January 13th, 2017

 I. Introduction
            Some universities require students to live in dormitory at the college environment on the basis that living on dormitory campus leads to better classroom performance. It is widely believe that students can acquire academic benefits from living on campus. According to James Murray (Murray,2010) living on campus causes students to be less likely to drop out or transfer, more likely to make academic progress, and more capable of achieving a high level of academic performance. The idea of conducting this study start when I saw the improvement of my friends’s english ability during they lived in dormitory. This reason encourages me to conduct the study related to the efficiency of living in dormitory in improving their English ability.
            This paper wants to answer the question “how far implementation of english activities in dormitory can improve students english ability”. This study aims to know the students perception toward implementation of English activities at Uin Ar-raniry dormitory.
II. Literature review
   Dormitory (dorm) or hall of residence is a building primarily providing sleeping and residential which vary in size, shape, facilities and number of occupants. “more opportunities to influence student growth and development  in the first year or two of college than almost any other program in student affairs” (Blimling, 1993, p. 1). Dormitory has regulation and program that emphasized the students to obey the rule, one of the program is mastering English as international language in daily conversation.                                    
    University facilited dormitory or hall of residence to create good character and increase them skill including english ability. In dormitory, students live together where they can practice english every time. The result of activity is improve students english skill and considering it will be effected toward positive perception. As Toutkoushian and smart (2001) stated that find empirical evidence that increases in institutional spending leads to improvements in students learning.
III. Research Methodology
1. Population and sample
            To conduct this research, the writer choose the population of students in IDB dormitory of UIN Ar-Raniry. The writer has determine the sample through purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is selecting a sample “on the basis of your own knowledge of the population, its elements, and the nature of your research aims” (Babbie 97). Based on the purpose of this study, the writer choosed students from first floor as the sample in this study, but from 20 students in the first floor, the writer only utilize 10 students as participant of interview.
2. Data Collection Procedure
            The data were collected through qualitative research of pre-experimental research. In this researh, the writer will interview the sample which have decided with informal interview. The informal conversational interview is outlined by Gall, Gall, and Borg (2003,p. 239) for the purpose of relying “…entirely on the spontaneous generation of questions in a natural interaction, typically one that occurs as part of on going participant observation fieldwork”. The interview conducted was an unstructured interview that contains of general question. used to obtain the general perception of the students toward implementation of English activities at dormitory.
3. Data Analysis
            After getting some information from students, the writer will analyze the data through descriptive methode. Final constituent in the interview design process is that of interpreting the data that was gathered during the interview process. These themes or codes are consistent phrases, expressions, or ideas that were common among research participants (Kvale, 2007).
IV. Finding and Discussion
     To find the result of the research, the students are interviewed for getting information that writer need. The writer has interview 10 students from IDB dormitory with some questions, these are the result of information that have analyzed by writer.
The data that writer want to know is about How students perception toward implementation of english activities in dormitory can improve students english ability.
            From the interview, the writer get some information that the students were helpful lived in dormitory rather than stayed in a home because in dormitor they did a lot of activities. One of the ctivities is mastering English ability by practicing the language in daily conversation, whoever known using mother tongue will have punishment that they have accepted before such as diminution of score.
            Students in dormitory were emphasize to be able in using English language by follow the obtain activities. Kind of the the activities ware memorizing vocabulary after shubuh prayer in each floor of dormitory every monday until saturday, studying English in a class every night, did English conversation in front of dormitory in every sunday morning, and certainly always practicing English when speak to each other. The students said that they were enjoy at that time when they practicing English together with their friends. Even there is students can not using English before and then finaly they can use it.
            Hence, the students support the dormitory program to continue for every students who study at UIN Ar-Raniry. It is show the students have postitive perception toward the implementation of English activities.
V. Conclusion
            This study aims to find the perception of students toward implementation of english activities in IDB dormitory at UIN AR-Raniry. It can be conclude that students in UIN Ar-Raniry dormitory considered the implementation of english activities in dormitory effectively improve students English skill.
Babbie, Earl. (1990). Survey Research Methods. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company (2nd ed)
Blimbing, G. S. (1993). New challenges and goals for residential life programs. In J. Winston, R. B. & S. Anchors (Eds.), Students Housing and Residential Life: A Handbook for Professionals Committed to Students Development Goals (pp. 1-20). San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass
De Araujo, Pedro. & Murray, James. (2010). Estimating the Effects of Dormitory Living on Students Performance. Colorado College.
Gall, M. D., Gall, J. P., & Borg, W. R.(2003). Educational research: An introduction (7th ed.).

Kvale, S. (2007). Doing interviews. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



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