TedTalks : "The World's English Mania" by Jay Walker

by Juni 28, 2017 0 komentar
"The World's English Mania" by Jay Walker


There are several kinds of mania in this world, such as sport mania, music mania, and religious mania. Beside that, the world has new mania that is mania for Learning English. The example is China, in china they learn English by screaming by creaming it and the chinese students  start to learn English when they are in 3rd grade by the law. That’s way, mostly chinese people use English in daily. Actually, learning English is important for some reason such as it is one opportunity to get a better life, for education because 25% of the grade is based on English and test for learning English has taken by 80 million high school chinese students, for looking a job, and exactly for the future life. The world has other universal languages but English is language for problem solving because It is a second language which we can discuss global cases that happen in the world.



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