Why does Zina call as Debt?

by Juni 28, 2017 1 komentar
Obviously adultery is debt, which is very likely to drag our family and descendants someday. What does adultery mean is debt? Let us consider the following hadith of the Prophet:
Abu Umamah recounts, "One day there was a young man who came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saying," O Messenger of Allah, permit me to commit adultery! "
The friends rushed to him and rebuked him, "Silence you, silence!"

Rasulullah Shalallahu 'alaihi wassallam said, "Come closer". The young man approached him and sat down in front of him.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked, "Would you please if your mother was abused by others?"
"No, for Allah's sake, Messenger," the boy replied.
"Similarly, other people are not willing if their mother dizinai".
"Would you please if your daughter is abused?". "No, for Allah's sake, O Messenger!". "Likewise others are not willing if their daughters are adulterated".
"Would you please if your real sister is married?"
"No, for Allah's sake, O Messenger!"
"Similarly, others are not willing if their sister is adulterated". "Would you please if your aunt is being awaited?"
"No, for Allah's sake, O Messenger!"
"Likewise others are not willing if their aunts are adulterated"
"Would you please if your aunt's aunt's aunt?"
"No, for Allah's sake, O Messenger!"
"Likewise others are not willing if their aunts are abused."

Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) put his hand on the boy chest while saying, "O Allah, forgive his mistake, purify his heart and guard his cock."
After the incident, the young man was never again interested in committing adultery, "(HR Ahmad).
From the explanation of the Prophet in the hadith above, we can know that when a man commits adultery with a woman, the same man is adultering a girl, a younger sister, a future wife, even a mother candidate. Realize that the woman has a father who is certainly not willing to adulter his daugther, the woman has a family that would not be pleased to be desecrated.

Imagine what it would feel if someday you had a daughter and your child was adulterated by a young man playing with him? How does it feel? Or, imagine if you marry someone you think is good, but it turns out she was an adulterer like you.
So stop adultery, otherwise know that adultery is debt, which may require your family or your descendants to pay for it. Na'udzubillah min dzalik.
In a story, someone comes and asks Imam Shafi'i, "Why is the penalty for the adulterers so heavy?"
So the face of Imam Shafi also flushed, his cheeks flushed pomegranate. Then he said, "For adultery is the sin of the reinforcements' (great risk). The result will be about his family, his neighbors, his descendants to rats in his home and ants in burrows around his home."

The man again asked, "Why the execution of his punishment with it? As Allah says, "And let not your mother's taste in them hinder you to uphold the religion."

So Imam Shafi'i was silent, he looked down and wept. After the crying stopped, he said, "Because adultery often comes from love and love always makes a person pity. Then devil comes to make us love man more than to love Him. "
Then the man asked again, "And why did Allah say," And let the execution of their punishment (adulterers) be witnessed by a group of believers? Is it not a punishment for murderers, apostates and thieves, does Allah not require to make it a spectacle? "

Immediately Syafi'i's wet beard wet, he was shaken. Then he said, "In order to be a lesson." Said her sobbing.
"To become a lesson," he sobbed.
"In order to be a lesson," he sobbed again.
Then he got up from his seat and his eyes flared again, he again excited and said, "For you know that indeed adultery is a debt. And really debt remains debt. One of those in the nasab / offspring of the perpetrator must have to pay for it. "
Hopefully can be a reminder for us to stay away from adultery.



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